A Long Vacation...

Christmas is over, another new year had passed...People who have work, had a long vacation. Approximately 2 weeks of it. Now everything is back to normal. Back to heavy traffic, busy people going to work and students dreading going back to school after a long vacation. Welcome 2009!!! I wonder what's in store for me this year. Last year was a roller coaster. Me and family have been through tough times... I hope this year would bring more hope and blessings for us. I am happy for my mom, finally, she's going to be with my step dad, and she's starting her life all over. Me? I am next... Can't wait to be with my husband, with all the trials that we have been through. I am just glad he is still there... Supporting me and loving me always... But for now, got to do a lot of things... Through all of this, God is there, supporting us all the way. I am so happy and I feel so blessed.


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