Doing the 3 Day Diet Plan...

I am really worried about my weight. I have gained more weight now more than ever. it is time to take some drastic action. I have decided to do the 3 day diet plan again... It is my second time doing this. The first time, I had to lose weight quickly because I am my Mothers maid of honor at her wedding... Surprisingly I lost weight and became thinner... But with an unhealthy eating habits, gained all the weight back again...

I started on the plan just today. Ate 1 toast, a cup of coffee, half grapefruit and a spoon of peanut butter for my breakfast. This diet really needs discipline. After days you will lose weight if you follow the diet strictly. After the diet plan, you could resume to your normal eating habits and go back to the plan after 5 days. Of course you need to cut down your food intake to maintain what you have lost...

The 3 Day Diet Plan:

Day 1


Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal

1/2 Grapefruit or Juice

1 Toast with 1 Tbsp. Peanut Butter


1/2 Cup of Tuna

1 Toast

Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal


3 Oz. any lean meat or chicken

1 cup green beans

1 cup carrots

1 apple

1 cup regular vanilla ice cream



black coffee or tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal

1 Egg

1/2 Banana

1 Toast


1 cup cottage cheese or tuna

8 regular saltine crackers


2 beef franks

1 cup broccoli or cabbage

1/2 cup carrots

1/2 banana

1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream



black coffee or tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal

5 regular saltine crackers

1 oz. cheddar cheese

1 apple


1 boiled egg

1 toast

black coffee or tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal


1 cup tuna

1 cup carrots

1 cup cauliflower

1 cup melon

1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Will give you an update on Monday about the results... Happy weekend...


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